Your creative work can bring joy and support your life without draining money, self-esteem, or time.
Let me show you how.
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These three questions can twist your mind into a pretzel
(and not a warm, soft pretzel either - the stale kind you find under your cushions with an orange M&M and three pennies):
Why aren’t people booking? Why is business taking so much of my time - I thought running your own business was supposed to be flexible? And why does that person attract followers when I don’t?
Taking your creativity and turning it into a business (or even just giving it a public face) can make you doubt all the wrong things - your work, your potential, even yourself.
This is fixable.
I share specific strategies for getting attention and clients - along with why it works. Not because I say so, I come armed with a master’s degree and data (translated into something you care about). This gets you back in action, engineering everything you put out there to get results you want.
Psychology for Photographers gives you calm and confidence that comes with knowing what you’re doing and putting your business in its rightful role - one part of your life that supports you, feeds your soul, and doesn’t tie you to your laptop at 10pm while your beloved watches TV alone in another room.

Your creative work can bring joy and support your life without draining money, self-esteem and time.
Let me show you how to motivate more people.
Get occasional updates that read like snail mail + grab a free copy of How Clients Make Decisions About Money.
(Updates will contain fabulous info and occasional delicious promotions. Per my Privacy Notice, you can unsubscribe anytime.)