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Short Winter Task: Uproot Business Weeds That Steal Time + Energy

By Jenika | February 28, 2017 |

What is a weed, really? You might say it’s a plant that ruins your lawn.  Nasty thorny sprouty stuff you’ve wasted considerable time trying to uproot. But in the end, a weed is just any plant growing in an unwanted spot. Dandelions are weeds, sure, but even perfectly lovely things like mint and wild strawberries…

Short Winter Task: Let’s Not Forget The Most Important Part

By Jenika | February 23, 2017 |

We’ve been talking about planting business seeds to have a healthy harvest later this year (things like soliciting testimonials, and making sure clients have no regrets after they hire you). But I’m kinda embarrassed – I almost forgot about the most important part!  See, spend any time reading about gardening, and you’ll run across the…

Short Winter Task: Will People Regret Hiring You?

By Jenika | February 7, 2017 |

Think about the last three pricey-ish things you’ve bought. Things where you had some choice, and maybe you had to pick between options that were pretty close to one another. How did you feel *right* after you paid up? Your reactions have probably ranged among the following: Over-the-moon excited because you splurged on THE TOP…

Short Winter Task: Create Happier Clients

By Jenika | January 25, 2017 |

Business is an awful lot like gardening. (We’ve talked about this before, in fact.) Few things happen immediately.  And if you want corn in the fall, you have to plant it in the spring.  Right now is the slow season for many of you – you’re not in the middle of the “harvesting” of serving…