The Blog Library

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Watch out - the ink is still drying! Inspired by real-time reader emails and psychology journals.

To the Card Catalogue!

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Competition, Pricing, and The Sony “Mistake”

By Jenika | February 29, 2012 |

Can we, as an industry, pause a moment and take a deep breath? Ahhhhh. Okay.  Straight talk coming your way today, fair warning. I submit that as a profession, we: 1) Spend far too much time thinking about how our competition is pricing their work, 2) Misunderstand who our competition actually is, and 3) Waste…

The Secret Side of Discounts

By Jenika | February 27, 2012 |

In 1875, a spectacled man named John Wanamaker bought an abandoned railroad freight depot and turned it into America’s first grand, dazzling department store. Like any big retailer, he had to hire more store clerks around Christmastime every year to accommodate the swell of holiday shoppers.  However, all the extra help became unnecessary in January…

Clients & ‘Comfortability’ | The Last Forty Percent Photography

By Jenika | February 24, 2012 |

All images in this post are copyright The Last Forty Percent Photography. Used with permission. I’d seen a lot of blogs, ogled a lot of pretty images.  But one post stopped me dead in my tracks. It didn’t just awe me.  It changed the way I thought about photography.  The post was a set of…

How Do You Write Personal Blog Posts When You’re a Private Person?

By Jenika | February 20, 2012 |

Many of the greatest books ever written were not actually released as books.  Readers did not line up at the Victorian-era equivalent of Barnes and Noble for the midnight launch of Great Expectations, Madame Bovary, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Anna Karenina.  These influential works were released as serials in newspapers or periodicals.  Separated into sections,…