Truth #1: Your email list is a companion, not a chore. It goes with you everywhere.
If all you say to your audience is ‘look at my work, hire me,’ you’re probably never going to see the results you wish you had.
Not because your work isn’t great, but because there are natural barriers between seeing a service and booking it.
The goal of an email list isn’t to ‘send news’ or ‘keep in touch,’ it’s to strategically eliminate those barriers so that when you invite them to book, they’re already primed to do so.
Truth #2: Your work is already getting plenty of attention, but you’re probably letting it slip through your fingers.
The chances of someone seeing your work once and taking action are extremely low. Every marketer knows that. You can be out in the community, getting published on blogs, seeing shares on Facebook, but you’re relying on chance that someone will see your work and then come back and see it again on their own.
How often have you seen something cool, and never encountered it again? Does that mean you didn’t like it? No, it means you enjoyed it and then moved on.
Email lists stop people from just moving on.
They let you capture someone’s attention and nurture it.
Give a talk in the community? Invite people to be on your email list. Get your work published? Invite people to be on your email list. Get a post shared widely? Oh man, if that doesn’t have a way people can connect with you long-term, it’s like pouring water in a bowl with a hole in the bottom! It’s wasted if it’s not captured.
Truth #3: You can almost always tell how well an email list is performing just by looking at the sign-up box.
There are two common, list-killing mistakes. If you make them in the sign-up box, it basically guarantees low sign-ups and low open rates later.
And those depressing numbers are really the #1 reason people abandon their best people.
If you had a large, vibrant, engaged list with a healthy open rate, you’d be a lot less likely to neglect it.
Lists don’t die when they’re doing well, they die when the person running it feels demoralized.
And the sad thing is, the biggest cause actually happens right out of the gate. But it’s also totally fixable.
Truth #4: None of this has to take up much time.
Staring at a blank page wastes time, yeah. So does aimlessly emailing with no strategy. (Cough, so does feeding the social media beast and getting distracted every time you log in.) Executing a clear plan to send one email per month? That’s a time-saver.
In this live class, we’ll capture the attention you’re already earning, attract more, and train your fans to take action rather than just admire your work.
The class is capped at 25 students.
Participation is easy – the class is divided into 7 Quick Wins.
In bite-size steps, here’s what we’re going to do:
- Define exactly who you want to draw in
- Name what holds them back from hiring you, and create an email plan that erodes those barriers while building trust.
- Work with Jenika to create a sign-up hook they’re too curious to resist, and use that welcome series to train them to open your emails and take specific actions. Do this once, it works on your behalf thereafter, even if you never send a single “newsletter” again. (Even if you already have a welcome guide, you’ll learn how to make it wildly more effective and wish you’d done it this way since the beginning.)
- Send Jenika a secret assignment so she can create six detailed topic outlines for your future newsletters – you’ll know exactly what to say and why
- Master the Never-Ending Email Generator, which shows you exactly how to keep doing this on your own, even if right now you don’t think you ‘have anything to say’
- Hold dedicated Q&A periods so that you get firm, direct answers to every question you have. The class is capped so you get personal attention.
You’ll also learn:
- How to create an email people can’t wait to open (ridiculously simple once you see it….but thousands of emails go out every day that fail to meet this test)
- The six types of emails you can send over and over, because patterns help you get your thoughts down faster
- Three templates for sign-up incentives people can’t resist – you’ll pick your favorite, but the other two will stay in your back pocket for the future
- How to keep talking to your audience in a way that feels natural and that actually does something for your business
- How to stick to your plan
- How much of a loving honey badger Jenika is when you don’t turn in your two assignments…seriously, for your own good, turn them in. You have been warned. I will come for you.
Exactly what it includes:
- 4 weeks of instruction, delivered via emailed PDF | $199 value
- Jenika creating six personalized, detailed topics for your future emails + additional guidance | $199 value
- Direct help from Jenika shaping your sign-up hook and welcome series | $499 value
- One full implementation week with daily Q&A | $99 value
- Bonus lessons on list-building strategy and how to actually set up a list in MailChimp | $49 value
- Plus, accountability + drawings for prizes at the end! | Priceless
This course is valued at: $1,045+
Cost for a seat: $599 USD
Ready to start? Hit ‘grab a seat’ below. There are 25 seats, and when they’re full – they’re full.
Due to the limited number of seats and the personalized nature of this course, this payment is non-refundable. If you commit, we’ll make sure you get it done!
Need a payment plan? No problem.
You can split into two payments of $339 USD; one today and one to be billed on June 13th.
By signing up with a payment plan, you are firmly committing to make both payments. The second payment must be completed within 48 hours of receipt of invoice. Incomplete payment will result in immediate termination from the course, and no refunds will be made for payments made. I’m happy to offer this plan as a courtesy; all I ask is that you kindly respect the limited seating and commit to the full course.
Have questions? I love questions!
If I don’t cover yours below, email
Q. What if I’m not sure if I have time for the class?
A. This was designed specifically for busy business owners. For the first two weeks, you’ll likely be able to complete everything you need to in an hour total, maybe an hour and a half for the third week if you’re having fun playing. During the final week you’ll lean into one final task. You’ll have a clear plan going in and there is no deadline for it – you will just want to work on it to take advantage of the live Q&A that week.
Q. I am not a photographer – will I still benefit?
A. Yes! Even though I use some photography examples in the written material, much like on the blog, there’s absolutely nothing about this course that’s exclusive to photography. I’m happy to tailor my feedback to you to whatever industry you’re in.
Q. I’m not in your time zone – can I still join in?
A. Yes! Everything is delivered via email. I call it a ‘live’ class because you’re actively receiving feedback and asking questions during the month, but you don’t have to be anywhere at a certain time. You can hop in whether you live in Brisbane or Bristol or Boise.

Q. People get so much junk in their inboxes, is it still worth it to even send email?
A. Heck yes. HubSpot reports that 99% of consumers check their email every day, and in fact, over half of Americans check their emails ten times a day or more and say it’s their preferred way to interact with businesses. 73% of millennials said they’d rather hear from businesses via email than any other way. A majority of businesses report it’s their largest return on investment.
It’s true that people have little patience for bad email nowadays – I’ve lost track of the number of times people have said to me “I’ve unsubscribed from everyone’s emails except yours.” But I’m not some magic email sorceress. I’m doing some predictable and teachable things I’d love to share with you. Namely, people want emails that serve them, not just you as the sender. If you’re doing that – and I show you exactly how – they’ll gladly jump when your name is in their inbox.
Q. But won’t my emails just end up in some Gmail promotions tab?
A. A fair question, but not one to lose sleep over. If your hook is exciting and structured correctly, people will go looking for your emails no matter where they land and make sure they get the next one. Tiny tweaks make a BIG difference here, and I’ll show you what they are.
Also, there’s much more diversity in the emails people are using than you might imagine; even amongst Gmail users, not everyone even has the promotions tab activated (I sure don’t).
Q. I love the idea of an email list but I’m worried it’ll be just ‘one more thing’ to do, and I’m overloaded as it is – how can this help?
A. When you’re executing a clear plan, it really doesn’t add much more time to your month to draft one email as though you were writing to a friend.
Only, this one email can impact hundreds of people, make strangers into fans and fans into paying customers, and maintains the interest of many people at once.
Also, I get the allure of instantaneous posting on social media. If that’s working for you, you don’t have to quit. But when you consider the collective impact distraction has on your schedule (how often have you gone down the rabbit hole after logging in ‘just to do one business thing’? Yeah…), I don’t believe it actually ‘saves time.’ Email offers some distinct advantages over social media, including that a higher percentage of your audience will hear from you without you having to pay for it, plus you’re not sucked into the endless vortex of distraction.
The course also teaches a couple methods for content generation that require almost no input from you. Plus there’s an email alternative to doing a typical ongoing newsletter – ask me about it when you turn in your first assignment, and I’ll show you how to apply it to your situation.

Q. I have an email list, but I’ve neglected it and it’s not doing so well. Will this class help me?
A. Yes. Full stop.
Newsletters languish for some very predictable reasons – 1) your sign-up hook isn’t calibrated for your particular people, 2) you didn’t train them what to do with your emails out of the gate, 3) you aren’t following the three rules of The Email You Can’t Wait To Open (which we cover in the first lesson), 4) you haven’t figured out the schedule that works for you yet. This course addresses all that and more. If you’re looking to try again, this will give you the tools to succeed.
Q. I have an email list that’s already going well, will this help me?
Shoot me an email (, describe your situation, and I’ll tell you whether it’ll help you plug some leaks or whether it sounds like you’ve already mastered this particular material. I only want you to take classes that help, so I’ll give it to you straight.
Q. I don’t feel like I’m much of a writer, can I do this?
A. Heck yes. For one thing, there are no rules that your emails even have to be written. You can do audio, video, screenshots of text messages, interviews with other people, anything that suits your interests and helps your audience. That said, you’re already writing emails all the time without even thinking about it. This gives you precise strategy for massively multiplying the impact of one email per month, is all.
Q. I am an extremely private person, is this going to force me into sharing my life with everyone?
A. Nope! As you’ll learn when we go into the ‘never-ending email generator,’ what you’re really doing with an email list is tuning into the problems, worries, and concerns your people are facing, and addressing them strategically over time. The focus is on them, not you.
Personal stories are a nice way to connect, but they are not the only way. And remember that you can be personable without being personal – mentioning you own a dog isn’t terribly revealing, but it can make people feel more connected. You can pick and choose. If you have concerns about this, just note it on your first assignment, and I can show you plenty of ways to speak to your audience in ways that respect your space.

Q. Will you be teaching this again?
I honestly don’t know. Because I devote huge swaths of time to giving you personal attention in class, it’s not often I can clear a month in my calendar to offer this kind of 1:1 support at this price. There’s a reason I made this class a manageable time investment. If this class speaks to you, I’d jump in now.
Q. Why are you teaching this?
Because email is uniquely suited to creative people who want to share their work, but need help bridging the gap between fans liking and hiring. Most creative people are too busy to manage daily demands of shoveling hours into other marketing styles and get frustrated at the response rates to other efforts. Email is a tidy, small time investment with big return if done strategically. I’ve been running an email list for nearly eight years, have helped many people start or revamp theirs. I want you to have this toolbox!
Q. Eeeek, I love this idea but I am scared to commit!
Eeeek, email me. Seriously. I’m not here to sell you on anything, but I’ll tell you honestly if I think it’ll help you. Chances are, if this has caught your attention, it did so for a reason, and if you like reading my emails you’d probably be delighted to pull the curtain back on how they ‘work’. The course also contains $700 worth of individual coaching plus the course materials and other bonuses – it would cost much more to hire me 1:1 for private coaching. This is a rare chance to work with me individually without paying my usual rates. I’m totally happy to help you talk through your goals and think through whether this will help you meet them.
When you’re ready, be sure to –