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The Final Piece (Target Client Mastery 5/5)

My dad mused to me once, something like: “Isn’t it interesting that we tell our spouses we love them, over and over? We don’t just say “I love you, and I’ll let you know if that ever changes.” You keep saying it.”

Earlier we walked through how to address sensitive issues with clients – issues like self-consciousness that will keep people putting off booking a session forever. Whenever I lay out an example like that, I get questions like: Okay cool, but where do I put this? My website? My blog?

The answer is bigger: Live your whole business life to show you’re in tune with client concerns.

Telling people “I care about you” is never a one-and-done thing. Not in marriage, not in friendship, not in business. It’s not something you check off a list, it’s something that informs every interaction. You don’t just say “Well they already know I care,” you’re looking for ways to keep telling them.

Thus, empathizing with your client might show up as:

  • A section of your website
  • A special series blog posts or emails to your list (by the way, Irresistible You walks you through taking one client concern and turning it into six different posts….it’s called the Never-Ending Content Generator, and it helps you keep an idea alive without repeating yourself)
  • A topic threaded through your testimonials
  • A video you do of past clients speaking openly about the issue
  • An idea you pitch to a local podcast
  • A special photo project you shoot and hang in a gallery

It doesn’t have to be all of them, but it probably will appear in two or three.

If you catch the spirit of using a target client at the core of your marketing, you stop asking yourself “Okay, what should I post on Facebook?” and start asking “Which of these big concerns can I address on Facebook today?”

Instead of asking “How can I get more testimonials,” you start asking “Hmm, I wonder if Mary would write something short for me about her experience with _____.”

Your questions get more specific and potent: You stop wondering “What should I do for X” and instead ask “How can I use X to address Y?”

People never, never, never get tired of having their problems empathized with and solved.

If you have questions about how to apply any of this to yourself, I hope you’ll jump in on my Target Client Summit next Monday (10am-12pm EST) or Tuesday (1-3pm EST). Anyone who has purchased a course of mine will get an invite sent to the same email where the course was delivered. (If you haven’t gotten yours by tomorrow night, shoot me an email and we’ll take care of you.)

But whatever you do, please take the time to talk to your clients, make a list of their replies, and start using that to inform your decisions. It’s the best anti-burnout solution I can offer, increasing the impact of everything you do, and your confidence to boot.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this closer look at using target clients. If you missed any emails, it’s all on the blog.

Sending a high five to you from Baltimore!



P.S.  LAST CALL to grab a course on sale! 

Sale will end as soon as I yawn and shuffle down the hall to my computer early in the am.

You can still beat me, but there’s only a few more hours.


Irresistible Website $159 only $109. Walks you through a big target client exercise and helps you apply it to your website, page by page.

Irresistible Words $249 only $199.  Arrest people’s attention and persuade them to buy, without feeling salesy.  Ends any awkwwardness, boredom, and frustration you may have about not knowing what to write. 

Irresistible You, $219 only $169.  Nails down how to build and nurture an audience who wants to buy from you, instead of the dozen others in your vicinity who offer the same services.


Or save $109 off retail when buying any two together; $170 total when you grab all three.  Scroll down to the bottom of any course page to grab a bundle!



They’re meant as companions for one another.  What if yours is lonely?  😉

(No really, they do build on each other.  Check out what you might be missing here.)

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