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Watch out - the ink is still drying! Inspired by real-time reader emails and psychology journals.

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Stop Asking Potential Clients “Do You Need Photos?” And Do This Instead

By Jenika | July 9, 2018 |

It’s that time of year.  Lots of quick ads and email blasts that begin – Hey, need photos? I’ve got three spots left // I’m booking for fall // I’m doing mini sessions Sign up here But there is a problem with this – “Hey – need what I sell?  I’m doing a thing.  Sign…

Coming Slowly Back From Maternity Leave…

By Jenika | May 10, 2018 |

Oh, hello there (::waves::)  I didn’t mean to go on maternity leave without formally announcing it.  Babies have a way of making you run on unexpected schedules.  But while she’s sleeping in her little bed next to me, I wanted to share a thought. Just before my daughter arrived into the world, one of my…

Last-Minute December Marketing (Cost: $0)

By Jenika | December 4, 2017 |

Know what happens to internet traffic during the holiday season? I wish I could report that it goes down because we all hibernate with loved ones, but, well – It spikes.  It starts predictably:  On American Thanksgiving, traffic rises in the evening.  People settle into sofas after meals, grab their phone and go online –…

You Are Further Along Than You Think – Here’s Why

By Jenika | November 7, 2017 |

As you do your creative work, you’ve probably noticed the steady tug of an emotional undercurrent. Murky to put into words, but it feels like being perpetually a little bit behind.  There’s always more to implement, more to try, classes and books you haven’t studied, the sight of people on social media who appear to…