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Does It Really Matter What My Target Client Eats For Breakfast?! (Target Client Mastery 1/5)

By Jenika | March 13, 2019 |

I stood in a room full of dark cabinets. Tiny spotlights flooded the curiosities inside. I spied a miniature carving of Hercules, a cat mummy, a human skull. On a desk lay an open volume with botanical illustrations. A museum sign explained they had recreated a typical study of a 17th century Belgian nobleman. (I…

Does this remind you of anyone?

By Jenika | February 28, 2019 |

Back on the brick patio, you could hear the comfortable din of forty strangers chatting, punctuated by the slosh of ice against a pitcher when someone refilled their lemonade. Not a loud party, so the tiny plop managed to register. I didn’t pay attention at first. Then it was there again – plop. Something against…

Facebook Is Bad At Being You. (Not A Typo.)

By Jenika | February 12, 2019 |

Have you ever heard someone say they’re “bad at” Facebook?   “Oh yeah, must have missed that, sorry, I’m bad at Facebook” or “I know, I never post, I’m bad at Facebook.” This makes me laugh.  Have you seen the movie The Social Network?  There’s a line when screen-Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook is “about taking…

Loneliness in Business & The Lucky, Neglected Task That Can Help

By Jenika | February 6, 2019 |

The wooden door creaked on its brass hinges. After chatting with the attendant as she swiped my card, I grabbed a tray and filled it up with food I didn’t have to cook. Balancing my soup bowl and water glass carefully, I looked out over the dining hall. Should I join the cluster forming along…