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Watch out - the ink is still drying! Inspired by real-time reader emails and psychology journals.

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How To Market Your Work When Self-Confidence Is Low

By Jenika | May 29, 2019 |

You know that brief moment of hesitation at the dinner party that makes you miss the window to say “Hey, that’s what I do!” before conversation moves on? Or closing the tab on the ‘speaker application’ page of a conference, with a “Maybe next year?”  When you do creative work, even a slight dip in…

Battling The Fear That Creates Procrastination

By Jenika | May 27, 2019 |

No matter how straightforward the class you’re taking, there’s always one step that makes you break out in hives.  Wait, I have to email someone and ask for ______?! Hold up, I have to actually tell someone, “Your order totals $2,391”?! Which brings us to Reason #4 that people never finish their classes: (Reasons #1-3…

The Embarrassment of Procrastination + New Class Announcement

By Jenika | May 22, 2019 |

  I sat on my college dorm floor with a set of watercolors, trying to paint a simple Christmas tree.  In my head, I saw a series of elegant green strokes forming a beautiful fir outline.  Guys.  When I started painting, it was like, cartoonishly bad.  Like something you’d see tacked on corkboard strips in…

The Psychology of Procrastination + How to Finish That Class

By Jenika | May 20, 2019 |

The lights glared in my face, but I could still see the couple hundred photographers assembled.  I love that first moment of giving a speech. “How many of you have, on your computer at home, at least one class that you’ve paid for, but haven’t finished?” A collective whoosh as everyone in the room raises…