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Watch out - the ink is still drying! Inspired by real-time reader emails and psychology journals.

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marketing blocks

This Might Be Why You’re Working And Not Getting Anywhere

By Jenika | February 11, 2020 |

I was sitting in my kitchen two days ago, hands around a warm mug, staring into space, when out of nowhere, an idea for a novel dropped into my head. (You know how ideas can do that, I bet.) The bizarre thing is, I’ve never wanted to write a novel. I don’t even read many…

If You Don’t Do This On Purpose, It’ll Make You Miserable By Accident

By Jenika | November 7, 2019 |

Imagine:  You start a project at your computer.  You work and work and get 92% of it done… …but then you have to stop.  You’re so close, but can’t hit “publish” or “send” or “export.” How do you feel as you close your laptop? I don’t know about you, but this drives me batty.  As…

Airplane costume + the power of the unfinished

By Jenika | October 25, 2019 |

  Every morning, my son asks me if we’re going to the airport. I say no, not today. Then he asks if he should get his shoes on, just in case I change my mind. He lives and breathes airplanes right now. Naturally, he’s going to be one for Halloween, and I’m tasked with fashioning…

Is using psychology in marketing unethical?

By Jenika | June 19, 2019 |

I have an email from a reader here, and thought you might be interested to see it, too: “I’ve been struggling with something…There are all sorts of tips and tactics about how to attract customers, how to grab their attention, increase sales, up-sell, etc.  I understand many of these things can have a significant impact…